Corporate Partner solutions

Helping institutions improve their performance, productivity & results through training, research & consulting services



All of our courses are offered on a customized basis, where course content and level are tailored to meet the needs of your personnel. Training is conducted primarily on the basis of logic and results, rather than through equations and derivations. All associates of CORPORATE PARTNERS SOLUTION are active as problem-solving consultants, along with their teaching and writing. Corporate Partner Solutions partners is accredited by the Cleveland State University, Ohio, and Minnesota Bar Association in developing series of Oil and Gas professional courses


New Courses


Types Of Courses We Offer

We offer a range of courses and you can find them below. If you are interested in a course and it is not listed above, drop us a line on and we will take it from there. Thank you.


executive Leadership Courses

Environmental & Safety Courses


Engineering Courses

Financial Courses


General Courses

Project Management Courses


General Management Courses

Sales & Marketing Courses

client partners & alliances

Our strong focus and aim is to equip individuals (employees and employers alike) with core business skills, leadership qualities and professional knowledge tailored to suit their specific roles within their organisations. We achieve this by providing training sessions (such as this one which you are currently attending), research and consultancy and petroleum management services to the Oil & Gas Industry, Government Agencies & Private Sector businesses. CPS’s services and solutions connect learning to the workplace, allowing employers to manage and assure the competence of workers at every level. Some of the organisations we have worked with include, NNPC/NAPIMS, Total, NIPEX, Exxon Mobil, Addax Petroleum, Shell, Chevron to mention a few